1954-07 Laguna Festival of Arts Exhibit Winners Named
Los Angeles Times, July 11, 1954
Directors of the Festival of Arts Association today an- nounced the winners partici- painting In the $2000 prizes of the All-California Exhibit of Contemporary Paintings, both modern and conservative, held for the first time as a fea- ture of the 20th annual Festi- val of Arts opening Saturday on the grounds adjoining Irvine Bowl. . Richards Ruben, L All entries were limited to les; Phillis H. Skelton, Bal- California artists. boa Island, and June C. Wayne, Los Angeles. Judging the show were Prof.. Frederick Wight , Univ- versity of California at Los Honorable Mentions Angeles; Lorser Feitelson
A cash prize of $500 was awarded to Albert Londra- of Los Angeles for his oil titled "The seum. Golden Cycle;" James Jarvaise of Los Angeles won a $500 were purchase prize for his mod- ern oil, "'l'ransfiguration No . . 1." A $300 purchase prize went to Dorothy Jordan of Altadena for a conservative watercolor titled "Bouquet of Wildngs. A similar award went to John Paul Jones of Los Angeles for his entry of modern watercolor, "Red Still Life. Honorable mentions of $50 each were received by George Gibson, Los Angeles; Ejnar Hansen, Pasadena; James McCarrell, Beverly Hills; JohnMcIaughlin, Dana Point; MarIon PIke, Los Angeles; Richardo Ruben, Los Angeles; Phillis H. Skelton, Bal-boa Island, and June C. Wayne, Los Angeles.
Judging the show were Prof. Frederick Wight University of California at Los Angeles; Lorser Feitelson Art Center School, Los Angeles, and Joseph Fulton, direc-tor of the Pasadena Art Museum. Judges announced that an additional 140 paintings ere fund outstanding but pace did not permit hanging.' THI AUT 799 Madison (67.68 Sts.)