1954-09 Complete Success!
Los Angeles Times September, 23, 1954
Art lovers Buy Out Products at Auction Products auction off yesterday afternoon and Harris patio netted dearly $1000 for the students of fine arts department in the group had just as many pieces ready for bidding for last nights customers. At least 500 persons attending the auction in the breezy patio we're painting sketches and sculpture articles brought is much is $50 each. Publicity chairman Pat reported a few buyers spent as much is $80 each for artworks. tting $150. Grab bags containing ceramics at $.25, $.50, and one dollar net and $25. Customer so crowded the tables remark it was too bad there weren't more.
Articles of James Jarvaise graduate art student appeared to be more in demand. They sold for as much as $20 each. Sales from his artwork alone till nearly $210 for the afternoon.
A few fine arts students watching the Hawks in express sorrow they didn't have more wears to sell. The afternoon portion and it 45 minutes early because the customers bought the place out. A drawing by Francis day elderly of the professor of fine arts sold for $52.50 and was the highest priced article at the sale.
The entertaining antics of auctioneers Gerald Vance, Los Angeles architect and Donald Goodall professor of fine arts, drew many laughs from the crowd. They told a few jokes as they asked for bids.
Said Vance, about Jarvaise’s painting, this artist has a great future in store for him. Better get his stuff now instead of paying high prices later. Miss Burton said the sale was progressing better than those of the past. Last year the afternoon auction was rained out and everything to had to be sold in the evening.
Sales amounted to $1090. 30% of the proceeds will be used for student scholarship funds, and the remainder will go to the artists. Professors offering artworks in the auction donated their work.