1962-02 ART NEWS
Los Angeles Times, February 28, 1962
by Jules Langsner
Art news: The secluded house in the foothills of the nearby Sierra Madres feels close Rappaport with Cole, Church, Durand and Marcel. But it is Jarvaise with his untitled pictures that translate into abstract equivalence that sweep of California foothills and mountains that takes the show.
Nature is segmented the flat striations in globulus worlds floating horizontally out of the frame, suspended on a flat, white gesso ground. Color runs too intense Hughes, giving these abstractions of a basset the closer to Jarvaise his inner vision into elemental reality outside his studio.
On the other hand with an inspiring point of departure, Jarvaise games and easy insurance not always present in his earlier paintings. Recent oils and pastels by James Jarvaise collects the collective good collectively designated the Hudson River School Series are at Felix land out gallery